‘Small changes, new direction’ following Government’s GRA response — Gendered Intelligence Blog

Cara English, Gendered Intelligence, Head of Public Engagement says: “After years of hand-wringing, the Government has today laid out its intention to make surface-level changes to the Gender Recognition Act. This won’t come as a shock to most interested parties, but it is nevertheless disappointing in its scope. “We welcome the step in the right direction […]

‘Small changes, new direction’ following Government’s GRA response — Gendered Intelligence Blog

Five kinds of racist and how to deal with them.

Slavery was bad, okay?

Racism comes in many shapes and sizes – all of them ugly. Racists have always walked among us, hiding in plain shite, but before 2016 it was generally considered “not okay” to be racist as fuck… Wasn’t it?

Fast-forward a few years though, and it seems that ‘being a racist piece of shit’ is well and truly de rigueur.

The tiny-fisted tangerine in the White House is openly and brazenly racist – and unapologetic about being so. The roughly human-shaped, wiggy-Bungle, currently residing at No.10 is also a seasoned racist – unashamedly so.

They’re not even trying to hide it. Instead, they drum up support from drifts of Gammon by claiming victimhood. It’s an entirely deliberate and particularly shitty tactic. It appeals, in no small part, to that particular demographic of whiny man-babies who feel like they’ve had a rough deal because they can’t act like total arseholes any…

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Blu’s Volunteering Story

Gendered Intelligence Blog

For Volunteers’ Week 2020, here is our volunteer Blu on their experience at GI

I have been volunteering for Gendered Intelligence for a year now, having been a young person under their wing for 4 years beforehand. I don’t think I’m alone in saying that GI have been a family for me since the beginning.

Before finding GI, I don’t think I understood truly what it meant to feel empowered. A few years into being a young person with GI, I concluded that the only reason why they had so much belief in me was because it was their job. I can now safely say that this isn’t the case. As a volunteer I am still caught off guard by the time and care that is given to my thoughts (and random ideas that I come up with at 2am). In a world that ignores and suppresses voices on an…

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Beyond the Blackout – How to start the real work of anti-racism

Slavery was bad, okay?

While #BlackOutTuesday was a lovely show of solidarity for one day, remember that if you truly believe that #BlackLivesMatter, your work doesn’t start and end with you changing your profile picture for a few hours or posting a neat slogan as your status.

Your anti-racist work is ongoing. It starts with you then spreads outwards. Claiming that you’re not racist isn’t enough, it never has been. It might give you a nice fuzzy feeling inside to think that you’re one of the good ones, but doing that absolves you of your responsibility to work towards dismantling racism.

Perhaps you don’t think that’s your job. That’s cool, but if that’s the case, then I’m afraid you aren’t as not racist as you thought, which is a terrible sentence on reflection – I’m not changing it though.

“Begin by just listening. This is probably the most important and useful thing you will…

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Volunteers’ Week 2020

Gendered Intelligence Blog

A message from Sahaf, our Community Development and Partnerships lead, on Volunteers’ Week

In this time of uncertainty, our volunteers are even more vital to the continuation of our work. At Gendered Intelligence, we see volunteering both as a way to help us deliver our services, but also as a service in and of itself. It’s a tool that helps us empower trans people. It allows for us to provide community members with new skills and experience, and to create spaces for trans people to meet people and make friends. Both aspects are needed now more than ever.

Like all charities, the pandemic has had an impact on our organisation. But our volunteers have been a major lifeline. In April alone, our volunteers donated 30% more time to us than the monthly average. This was in addition to taking extra time to find their way around new software that we’re…

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A letter to my white friends

Lamb's English

I see a lot of people – people I respect, love, value – saying they feel uneducated, that they don’t know many black people, that they want to be supportive but are afraid of saying the wrong thing, that they don’t know how to help, how to effect the change that needs to be made.

I could go into what it means to be black, but now’s not the time for that. Now is the time to be clear on the most important, simple fact: you don’t need to know black people to understand the change that needs to be made.

Yes, it helps to know a culture if you want to speak on it, but you don’t have to speak for black culture, you have to speak about white culture. You don’t have to march, to write signs, to revolt – you just need to not be silent…

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